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Prof. Tae-Woo Kim







Work Experience

Sep,2021 ~ Present

Feb,2017 ~ Aug,2021             

May,2015 ~ Feb,2017  

July,2011 ~ May,2015 

Oct,2008 ~ July,2011 



Assistant Professor, DEE, UoU

14 nm FEOL Integration/Device, Samsung  Austin Semiconductor.

Senior Member of Technical Staff, SEMATECH

Post-doc, MTL, MIT, MA USA.

Ph. D. Electrical Engineering,Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Gwangju, Korea.

MS. Electrical Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Gwangju, Korea.

Assosiate Professor, DEE, UoU


I'm Tae Woo Kim. I received the M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) in 2003, and Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering from Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) in 2008. From 2008 to 2011, I was a Post-doc Associate at Microsystems Technology Laboratories (MTL) of Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT). Then from 2011 to 2013, I joined at SEMATECH as a Member of Technical Staff (MTS),while later, I was a Senior Member of Technical Staff(S-MTS), functioned as Device design, Process Development and Integration Engineer from 2013 to 2015. In 2015, I joined in Samsung Austin Semiconductor as a 14 nm FEOL Integration/Device. In 2017, I have joined in University of Ulsan, Ulsan, South Korea and is currently working as an Assosiate Professor in School of Electrical Engineering.

More About The Professor

Award and Honor

  • Korean Research Foundation Fellowship (2008. 10 ~ 2009.09)

  • Best Research Award in Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)

  • Selected as a featured paper at IEE Electronics Letters, 2011    

Given to the paper of “InGaAs HEMT with InAs-rich InAlAs barrier spacer for reduced source resistance”. This was published at IEE Electronics Letters (EL) in 2011

  • Selected as a highlighted paper at IEE Electronics Letters, 2012

Given to the paper of “Lg = 100 nm InAs PHEMTs on InP substrate with record high frequency response”. This was published at IEE Electronics Letters (EL) in 2012.

  • Selected as a featured paper at IEE Electronics Letters, 2012

Given to the paper of “Lg = 150 nm Recessed Quantum-Well In0.7Ga0.3As MOS-HEMTs with Al2O3/In0.52Al0.48As composite insulator”. This was published at IEE Electronics Letters (EL) in 2012.


Media article posted
  • Selected as a featured paper at Semiconductor Today (Media article), Jan. 2010.

Given to the paper of “30 nm In0.7Ga0.3As Inverted-Type HEMTs with Reduced Gate Leakage Current for Logic Applications” and “Quantum capacitance in scaled down III-V FETs”. This was published at IEEE International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM) in 2009.

  • Selected as a featured paper at Semiconductor Today (Media article), Jan. 2011.

Given to the paper of “60 nm Self-Aligned-Gate InGaAs HEMTs with Record High-Frequency Characteristics”. This was published at IEEE International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM) in 2010.

  • Selected as a featured paper at Semiconductor Today (Media article), Jan. 2013.

Given to the paper of “ETB-QW InAs MOSFET with scaled body for improved Electrostatics”. This was published at IEEE International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM) in 2012.

  • Selected as a featured paper at Semiconductor Today (Media article), Jan. 2014.

Given to the paper of “Sub-100 nm InGaAs Quantum-Well (QW) Tri-Gate MOSFETs with Al2O3/HfO2 (EOT < 1 nm) for Low-Power Logic Applications”. This was published at IEEE International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM) in 2013.

  • Selected as a featured paper at Semiconductor Today (Media article), Aug. 2014.

Given to the paper of “Sub-100 nm Regrown S/D Gate-Last In0.7Ga0.3As QW MOSFETs with μn,eff > 5,500 cm2/V-s”. This was published at VLSI Symposium in 2012.

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Next Generation Semiconductor Device Lab

504, Building, 7, EE Department 93, Daehak-ro, Nam-gu, 
Ulsan, Republic of Korea

Tel : +82 52-259-2738

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