The Next Generation Semiconductor Device Lab (NGSDL) is devoted to developing novel and state-of-the-art future semiconductor device technologies for next-generation high-frequency, logic and IoT applications.
Our lab pursues true interdisciplinary research on semiconductor devices specially on AlGaN/GaN HEMT (High electron mobility transistor), InGaAs/GaAs mHEMT (meta-morhpic)& pHEMT(pseudo-morphic) AlGaN/GaN MOSHEMT (Metal oxide high electron mobility transistor), TFET (Tunneling FET) reliability, extensive characterization (RF and DC), device modeling. Our device fabrication collaboration with KANC (Korea Advance Nano fab center), UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology), DGIST (Daegu Gyeongbuk Insitute of Science and Technology).
Specifically, by developing and applying key technologies in Electronics Engineering, such as nano devices with "Ballistic Transport", micro- and nano-fabrication technologies, integrated circuits (ICs) , MMIC and semiconductor device modeling, we aim to advanture future semiconductor device technologies.
Our lab is currently looking for talented and highly motivated graduate students.
If you are interested, please send me an email with your short biography!
E-mail: twkim78@ulsan.ac.kr
연구원 모집
우리 연구실에서는 재능 있고 의욕적인 학부연구생 및 대학원생들을 찾고 있습니다.
만약 관심이 있다면, 짧은 자기소개서를 작성하여 아래의 이메일로 보내 주세요.
E-mail: twkim78@ulsan.ac.kr